Financial Planning Services


We are an independent fee-only financial planning firm. The pricing of each service will be determined based on the level of expertise and time required. 


Investment Review and Strategy

This planning encompasses the development of overall investment strategy as well as an asset allocation analysis.  It also includes the monitoring of your investment portfolios and a review of the appropriate types of investments that are suitable for you.

Income Tax preparation and PLanning

This valuable service coordinates the strategic tax planning and research on your behalf.   Federal and state tax projections are prepared and reviewed throughout the year to highlight planning opportunities and to monitor your tax situation.  In addition, the tax service can include the preparation of federal, state and city tax returns.

Estate Planning

Included in this planning category is a review of your current estate documents and the implementation of effective estate planning vehicles to minimize the impact of estate taxes over your lifetime.  With this service, we will work together with both in-house counsel and outside estate attorneys to draft the documents needed to implement sound estate planning strategy.




Insurance and Risk management

Under this planning area, we will provide a review of your current insurance policies including property and casualty, medical, disability and life insurance.  In addition, we often utilize outside insurance consultants to ensure that your coverage’s are adequate, cost effective and properly coordinated.

retirement planning

This planning aspect includes the preparation of long-term retirement and tax projections.  These projections will enable us to properly coordinate current investment and tax strategies to make sure that your current and future financial resources will be adequate to maintain a comfortable lifestyle during your retirement years.

nonprofit management consulting

This valuable service provides your nonprofit with opportunities to improve your financial sustainability. With this service, we will provide your nonprofit with different measures that are standard in the nonprofit sector such as fundraising efficiency, operating program efficiency, current asset assessment, donor relations, and other account reconciliation options.